Early Animations

During my time at the College of Charleston I had a chance to do some quick animations in order to experiment with scripting and JavaScript event handlers.

Skater Girl Animations

The following animation can be performed by starting the left and right arrows to direct the movement and letting go to trigger a stopping animation.

The following animation can be performed by starting with the “s” key. The “j” key triggers a jumping animation.

Skateboard Girl Animation

The game begins after 3 seconds. Move left and right with the arrow keys.

Press the space bar to shoot sparks at the fireworks and enjoy the show, but what out for fallout!

NOTE: The game may lag when starting up, just press the green flag again and it should work!

For Fun

There are no real animations to show off in this one, I just figured I would include it if you’re bored and want to play a crude game. If anything just play for the atmosphere and enjoy the creativity in a limited environment.

Instructions are included in this one.